A Mass Exodus of the Baby Boomers?

As federal dollars flow into the coffers of manufacturing and construction companies across the country, there remains one large issue haunting both sectors- the exodus of the baby boomer generation, and the millions of jobs that they are leaving behind. Finding properly trained construction and manufacturing workers is becoming increasingly more difficult year after year. Experts from the Manufacturing Institute are projecting more than 2 million jobs will go unfilled in the next 6 years.

“It’s hundreds of billions of dollars over the next four or five years,” Ben Brubeck, vice president of regulatory, labor and state affairs at trade group Associated Builders and Contractors, said of the federal funds tied to construction and manufacturing projects. “And that’s going to have a big impact on skilled labor and the shortage we’re facing right now.”

To read the full article, click here: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/02/jobs-report-manufacturing-and-construction-sectors-are-hiring.html

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